The Study of Efficacy of Excimer Light 308 Nanometers for
Chronic Hand Dermatitis
Kunaporn Tangtanawat MD¹, Montri Udompataikul MD¹, Nunticha Kamanamool MD¹, Suwirakorn Ophaswongse MD¹
Affiliation :
¹ Skin Center, Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand
Background : Chronic hand dermatitis is one of the most common dermatological disease worldwide resulting from high incidence, prevalence,
and recurrent rate. Nowadays, there are various kinds of treatments in chronic hand dermatitis. The previous studies only consisted of prospective
non-randomized pilot study and retrospective cohort study of 308 nanometers excimer devices in chronic hand dermatitis.
Objective : To study the efficacy and side effect of the excimer light 308 nanometer in chronic hand dermatitis.
Materials and Methods : The researchers conducted a prospective non-randomized clinical trial to study the efficacy of 308 nanometers excimer light to treat chronic hand dermatitis. Thirty-five patients were enrolled in the eight weeks protocol. The efficacy of device was assessed by the HECSI, the PGA score, the erythema index by Mexameter MX16, and the NRS for pruritus level. In addition, the adverse effect of changing melanin index was assessed by the Mexameter MX16. The researchers also assessed the DLQI and the patient’s satisfaction score.
Results : The results revealed that the mean of the HECSI, PGA, NRS, and erythema index were statistically significantly decreased after complete treatment (p<0.001). The result of subgroup analysis of percent of complete remission rates were 88.89 in mild group, 83.33 in moderate group, and 42.86 in severe group, which was statistically significant (p=0.029). In addition, the complete remission rates of pruritus were 88.89 in the mild group, 94.44 in the moderate group, and 57.14 in the severe group, and there was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.21). On the other hand, the mean of melanin index demonstrated no statistically significant change in palmar and dorsal side of both hands (p=0.79, 0.57, 0.78, and 0.07, respectively). Furthermore, the DLQI was also statistically significantly improved (p<0.001), and the patients were very satisfied to the treatment. The adverse effects, which included burning sensation, skin dryness, and progressive itchiness, were observed (5.88, 5.88, and 8.82%, respectively) and spontaneously resolved within 24 hours without clinical skin change.
Conclusion : The excimer light 308 nanometers is the alternative treatment of chronic hand dermatitis by reducing the severity score statistically significantly without hyperpigmentation after treatment. Mild adverse effects such as itchiness, dry skin, and burning sensation without major adverse event were observed.
Received 14 May 2020 | Revised 23 June 2020 | Accepted 25 June 2020
Keywords :
Excimer light, Chronic hand dermatitis
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