Characteristics of Women Attending the Female STD
Clinic at Siriraj Hospital, Thailand: A 2-Year Review
of the Medical Records
Thamkhantho M, MD, FRCOG (UK), FRTCOG, MSc (UK)¹
Affiliation : ¹ Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Objective: To assess characteristics of women attending the Female STD Clinic at Siriraj Hospital and their making use of the
Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective approach to review patient files at Female STD Clinic at Siriraj Hospital in two years (2018 to 2019). Eight hundred and nineteen women with complete patient files were included in study analysis. Frequency and percentage with mean±SD was applied for background variables. Bivariate analysis was performed to assess association of background variables and other factors such as coitache, condom use, etc., using Chi-square test to determine the significant association at p≤0.05.
Results: Women attending Siriraj Female STD Clinic were in middle-low socioeconomic status, 36.8% possessed primary education. Sixty-six point one percent were HIV infected, 20.3% were condyloma acuminata, 10.6% were syphilis, and 3.1% were HPV infection. Forty-two point nine percent started coitache at 18 years of age or younger. About only 6% had used condom and predominantly before having first gravida.
Conclusion: HIV infection was the most prevalent, and one in five was condyloma acuminata. Many women started their coitache at 18 years of age or less. Condom use was prevalent before first gravida. Most women contacted the clinic when severe symptoms occurred. However, inadequate treatment was the problems as a few women came back for repeat treatment, which resulted in the inconsistency of medical care due to inconvenience of transportation, using the nearby clinic to save travel time.
Keywords : Socio-demographic status, Age of coitache, Number of partner, Condom use, Clinic contact
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