Multiple Sex Partners, Sexual Networks, and Condom Use
in Thailand
Theodore D Fuller PhD1, Aphichat Chamratrithirong PhD2, William DeShong MS3, Kanya Apipornchaisakul MA2
Affiliation :
1 Department of Sociology, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 24061, USA
2 Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
3 Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg VA 24061, USA
Objective : Empirical studies indicate that having multiple sex partners is an important risk factor for HIV infection. The present
study investigates the extent and determinants of multiple sex partners and condom use among men in Thailand.
Materials and Methods : Data used were from the National Sexual Behavior Study 2006, a national representative sample from
Thailand of 3,024 men age 18 to 59. Multivariate analysis is used to examine the determinants of having multiple sex partners
and condom use.
Results : About 13% of men reported having multiple sex partners in a 12-month period. Younger men, single men, men with
high education, men who drank alcohol more frequently, and men who lived in Bangkok were more likely to have multiple sex
partners. Married and single men who have multiple sex partners were about equally likely to use condom when having sex with
casual partner (about 85% “always” did). Compared to their behavior when they had sex with casual partner, both married and
single men who had multiple sex partners were less likely to use condom when they had sex with girlfriend. However, compared
to single men, married men were more likely to use a condom when they had sex with girlfriends. Married men typically did not
use condom when having sex with their wives.
Conclusion : Due to the inconsistency of using condom with casual sex partners, the risk of transmission of HIV from casual partners
to girlfriends or wives remains the serious concern in Thailand. Policy implications on HIV prevention are addressed.
Keywords : Sexual behaviour, Sexual health, Condoms, HIV, Thailand
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