Prevalence of T3 Toxicosis in Thai Patients
with Thyrotoxicosis
Pariya Panchavinnin MD1, Lukana Preechasuk MD2, Tada Kunavisarut MD3
Affiliation :
1 Division of Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
2 Siriraj Diabetes Center, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
3 Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Objective : To examine the prevalence of T3 toxicosis in Thai ambulatory patients with thyrotoxicosis.
Materials and Methods : The present cross-sectional retrospective study in newly diagnosed thyrotoxicosis patients was performed
at the outpatient department of Siriraj Hospital (Bangkok, Thailand) between January 2009 and December 2013. Recorded data
included age, gender, current residence, duration of symptoms, etiology, and results of thyroid function tests. Patients were
categorized into the T3, T4, or T3 and T4 toxicosis groups.
Results : Three hundred fourteen thyrotoxicosis patients were included. The mean age was 44.1 years, and 69% were female. The
causes of thyrotoxicosis were Graves’ disease (93.3%), toxic adenoma/toxic multinodular goiter (2.9%), and subacute/painless
thyroiditis (3.8%). The prevalence of T3 toxicosis and T4 toxicosis was 3.5% and 10.8%, respectively. The majority of patients with
T3 toxicosis were male and residing outside Bangkok. The T3 toxicosis group had signi(cid:976)icantly lower level of total T3 compared
with the T3 and T4 toxicosis group.
Conclusion : The 3.5% prevalence of T3 toxicosis observed in the present study suggests free T4 and thyroid stimulating hormone
as the recommended initial laboratory investigations in Thai patients with suspected thyrotoxicosis.
Keywords : Prevalence, T3 toxicosis, Ambulatory Thai patients, Thyrotoxicosis
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