Anatomical Relationship between the Deep Peroneal Nerve
and the Anterolateral Surface of the Tibia in Thai Cadavers
Janyarak Suriyuth MSc*, Kittikun Viwatpinyo PhD*,
Chanakarn Phornphutkul MD**, Pasuk Mahakkanukrauh MD*
Affiliation :
* Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
** Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Background : The deep peroneal nerve innervates muscles of the anterior leg compartment and the dorsum of the foot, and
also receives sensation from the first interdigital cleft of the foot. Along its course in lower part of the leg, this nerve is very
close to the anterolateral surface of the tibia and might be vulnerable to injury in fractures of the tibia or during surgery.
Objective : The objective of this study is to clarify the relationship between the deep peroneal nerve and anterolateral surface
of tibia.
Material and Method: Variations in the course of the deep peroneal nerve related to the anterolateral surface of tibia were
investigated by dissection of 82 legs from 45 fresh cadavers. The distance by which the deep peroneal nerve was directly
contacted to the tibia was measured and compared to the length from the tibial tuberosity to the medial malleolus. The
length of that association, as a percentage of the distance from the tibial tuberosity to the medial malleolus, was calculated.
Results : The fraction of the distance along which the deep peroneal nerve was in direct contact with the anterolateral
surface of the tibia as a percentage of the distance between the tibial tuberosity and the medial malleolus ranged from
40.38% to 84.11%, with an average of 64.87% (95% confidence interval: 63.23-66.52%). In the majority of the legs studied
(52.44%), the percentage range between 60-70%.
Conclusion : An majority of the deep peroneal nerve was directly in contact with the anterolateral surface of tibia and
ranged from 60-70% of the distance between tibia tuberosity and medial malleolus. Surgical incision along this area should
be carefully performed.
Keywords : Deep peroneal nerve, Anterolateral surface of tibia, Leg surgery
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