Hospital Tuberculosis Control Activities and Treatment
Success in Thailand during the Implementation Year
of the Admission Policy for New Smear Positive
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
Juthapat Rattanadilok Na Bhuket PhD*,**,
Petchawan Pungrassami MD, PhD**, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong MD, PhD*
Affiliation :
* Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand
** Bureau of Tuberculosis, Ministry of Public Health, Bangkok, Thailand
Objective : To demonstrate the tuberculosis (TB) control activities in hospital and treatment success rate during the
implementation year of the admission policy.
Material and Method: The hospital-based survey was conducted in 12 provinces, five hospitals of each province. The
medical records of hospitalized patients, with new sputum smear positive (NSS+) pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB), registered
between October 2008 and September 2009 were reviewed, as well as the TB control activities.
Results : Fifty-one hospitals with complete hospital information were included. Of 2,290 patients, less than half (46.1%)
were hospitalized, while the treatment success rate was 83.8% (1,921 patients). This is slightly lower than World Health
Organization target of 85%. In 2009, the six main control activities implemented in the studied hospital as part of the
National Tuberculosis Program guideline of 15 items were 1) annual plan project for TB control program (51/51 hospitals,
100%), 2) protective equipment to prevent TB infection for personnel (50/51 hospitals, 98.0%), 3) appointment of committee
in hospital for TB control program (49/51, 96.0%), 4) surveillance TB infection system in hospital for personnel (49/51,
96.0%), 5) protective equipment protection TB infection (mask) for patients and relatives (48/51 hospitals, 94.1%), and
6) intensive health education for NSS+ PTB patients with admission (48/51 hospitals, 94.1%).
Conclusion : During the implementation year of admission policy, the hospitalization rate was low and treatment success
rate was not as high as expected. However, the enhanced effect of program activities on admission and treatment success
was not fully supported by the present study.
Keywords : Tuberculosis control, Admission policy, Treatment success rate, Hospital activity
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