Implementation of Electronic Logbook for Trainees of
General Surgery in Thailand
Potchavit Aphinives MD*
Affiliation :
* Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen, Thailand
Background : All trainees are required to keep a record of their surgical skill and experiences throughout the training period
in a logbook format. Paper-based logbook has several limitations. Therefore, an electronic logbook was introduced to
replace the paper-based logbook.
Material and Method: An electronic logbook program was developed in November 2005. This program was designed as
web-based application based upon PHP scripts beneath Apache web server and MySQL database implementation. Only
simplified and essential data, such as hospital number, diagnosis, surgical procedure, and pathological findings, etc. are
recorded. The electronic logbook databases between Academic year 2006 and 2011 were analyzed.
Results : The annual recorded surgical procedures gradually increased from 41,214 procedures in 2006 to 66,643 procedures
in 2011. Around one-third of all records were not verified by attending staffs, i.e. 27.59% (2006), 31.69% (2007), 18.06%
(2008), 28.42% (2009), 30.18% (2010), and 31.41% (2011). On the Education year 2011, the three most common procedural
groups included colon, rectum & anus group, appendix group, and vascular group, respectively.
Conclusion : Advantages of the electronic logbook included more efficient data access, increased ability to monitor trainees
and trainers, and analysis of procedural varieties among the training institutes.
Keywords : Electronic logbook, General surgery, Surgical experience
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