Trend in Mode of Delivery in Rajavithi Hospital:
A Ten-Year Analysis (2002-2011)
Najnapa Wachiratarapadorn MD*,
Ekachai Kovavisarach MD*
Affiliation :
* Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Rajavithi Hospital, College of Medicine, Rangsit University, Bangkok, Thailand
Objective : To create trends in mode of delivery both public and private service at Rajavithi Hospital
Material and Method: The medical records of singleton pregnant women delivered between January 1, 2002 and December
31, 2011 were retrospectively analyzed for mode of delivery, indication of operative obstetrics, and modality of services
(public and private service).
Results : During the study period, total singleton deliveries gradually decreased from 9,418 to 6,023 while the spontaneous
vaginal delivery rate fluctuated, and the cesarean delivery rate increased from 25.48% to 34.70%. Vaginal operative
deliveries steadily declined such as, forceps extraction 3.83% to 0.95%, vacuum extraction, 1.72% to 0.85%, and vaginal
breech delivery 0.92 to 0.28%.
Conclusion : The cesarean delivery rate increased in contrast with the decline of the vaginal operative delivery rate.
Keywords : Cesarean delivery, Forceps delivery, Vacuum delivery, Breech vaginal delivery
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